Friday, May 22, 2009

I have a roommate!

Good morning, everyone! It finally happened - yesterday morning a stretcher was wheeled into my room, and Claudia moved in. She is a lovely woman with injuries similar to mine, but her accident (a biking accident) was only 16 days ago. She is finding the limitations difficult to cope with, as she was a nurse and an avid outdoor enthusiast and very fit! Claudia has movement and feeling in her legs, but her arms and hands are still numb and tingly. She has younger children (13 and 16) whom she is finding it very difficult to be away from. But she has a good support system (her mom and stepmom are also nurses!), and I really hope to make her feel comfortable and more hopeful for the future.  It was so cool last night - I actually listened and obeyed the prompting of the Lord, and prayed out loud for her before we went to sleep last night.  That was a victory for me, because that is something that I would not have done before! I am really looking forward to being a light and testimony to her, and so far, we seem to get along well, so pray with me that she will be receptive to the hope that only Jesus can give!

I'll be going home to my mom's for the weekend again, and so I will report in again after then...OH MY! The doctor just came in and told me that on Monday morning I will be getting the feeding tube TAKEN OUT! YAY!!! One more victory! What a blessing for the day! PTL!!!

I pray for a good day and weekend for all of you, and may you feel as blessed as I do each day!


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