Friday, May 22, 2009

Aaron here

Hey, I was informed that people are still interested in how I'm doing, so here is an update on the status of my recovery. So far, I'm back to work, however I'm only able to do 4 hours at a time as walking and standing that much makes me very sore, so far, no noticeable improvement over 2 weeks. In general though, I can lift bigger and better things now, up to 10 kg! (5kg from floor to waste); I still cant run, or jump, or do anything abrupt with my legs like kicking or dropping as it makes my knees hurt quite badly, kneeling and bending over are alright, I just have to go slow, and I prefer to avoid it if i can.


  1. Hi Aaron, I'm glad to hear that things are improving, even if it is slow. I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer and hopefully, feeling much better!

    Susanna Braun

  2. WTG Aaron on your progress, hoping your dad is making leaps and bounds like you and your mom are. What wonderful news, how wonderful it continues to be to see prayers answered. Judy, Floyd and I are going to be in Vancouver this weedend, Floyd is training and wellllllll I get a break from here and get to go shopping yeehaw! I was wondering if you will be around or are you going to be with your family again on the weekend. I do not want to take you from that if that is your plan, but if for some reason you have nothing happening this weekend coming I would love to come and see you. please call me home 250-561-0639 and my cell is 250-961-0637. We will be ariving late thursday and leaving early on sunday, please call if you get a chance, Tammie
