Thursday, February 26, 2009

THURSDAY 26-Feb-09

Greetings Friends
Judy is still experiencing a lot of headaches. These are made worse by the
noise in the room she is in. We are praying that she can be put in a private
room in the next day or two. The Dr's want to put her feeding tune in
through her abdomen (it is currently through her nasal passage). She has
been schedule for surgery for a couple of days already, and I was informed
that it will not take place again today, but that she will need to fast and
that it will be done tomorrow morning. Pray for a successful operation with
no complications.

Aaron and I went to see the surgeon here in PG, but our problems are so
minor (in comparison to Judy's) it is hard for me to even mention them. We
are healing quite well, although there is a possibility that I might need
more surgery in my foot once I start walking on it. Time will tell. Aaron
still has some numbness in some areas on his legs and feet, but is able to
walk and get around, although he still tires quickly. Please pray for proper


  1. Praying for your family to be together again soon and that Judy will experience the love and peace of God through all that she has to endure.

  2. Praying for proper healing for all of you. I woke up today thinking about you all again, and here I read why. God is so good. He keeps you in the front of our minds so regularly. May His peace and comfort - and even a blast of joy :) rest on all of you today as Judy faces her surgery and as you all continue to recover. Hugs to everyone ... Sherry Breck
