Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Administration" Stuff

Jason's flying out to Edmonton tomorrow. Not sure if Chris is comming back this weekend (I'm guessing no) so he'll probably be flying back again then on sunday night/monday?
Comments: If you do not have a blogger account and if you leave a comment, please sign your name or initials at the end of your message. It's nice to be able to read who wrote what. Also if you would like to not have to check the blog daily to see if posts have occured sign up to become a "follower" of the blog. It will email you anytime a post has happened. It's on the top left corner. Or if you'd rather not sign up or aren't internet savvy you can email me at:
and I'll add your email to mailing list.
Food: If you would like to prepare part of a meal/edible things....
  • It's a good idea to make sure whatever you made is freezable.
  • I don't think they have any food allergies but I'll find out quickly in the next day or so.
  • I know generally boys like things like: meat & sweets, but I'll also check to see if there is a list of favorite things. I'm guessing tofu casserole won't be so hot unless of course you mislabel it something like: "Steak Stew"
  • Also remember when making meals for the family to eat later that serving sizes maybe different from your own family. Sons generally have larger appetites/capacity to consume than daughters, and trust me I've only been able to out eat Chris once!
  • Write your name on all pieces of rubbermaids/containers you want to get back. Glasswear can be tricky... not sure how to solve that one other than duck tape
  • I will be house sitting again this weekend and can be available to recieve stuff at their house: Saturday Morning 9am- 5 pm Sunday After Church 1ish - 6ish pm
  • Leave a message at the home number for me to call you back and set up a different drop off time
Cards/Letters: I don't actually know what or how to go about sending things to people in the hospital. I think it's straightforward but if you'd like the Wiebe's Prince George address please leave a comment.
thats all for now


  1. The pay pal account is a great idea, pay pal is very easy and safe to use.
    thanks for keeping us informed.

    your all in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. If you would like to send cards to us we will take them to the hospitals and read them to Judy. Our address is 841 116A St NW, Edmonton, T6J 6Z7. Judy and Aaron are not allowed flowers in ICU, Ben can have them and he is at U of A hospital. Let us know if there is anything else we can do to help you out from this end. Charlene and Robert Sandford
