Saturday, July 4, 2009

I'm Home!

Okay, everyone...I'm finally checking in again, and want to let you all know that I am home! I came home on Tuesday afternoon, and is it ever fantastic!! I was greeted at the airport by about 25 of our friends from our Bible study and church, and my loving family. I couldn't stop crying at first, it was so amazing and overwhelming to finally be here and to be surrounded by so many who have loved and carried us through the last 5 months (to the day, by the way!).

Since Tuesday, I have been busy surprising people! Wednesday we went to Fort George Park for the Canada Day celebration, where we met so many friends, even some from long ago. Thursday morning we went to Lo and Elliott's, where I have worked for the past 10 years. Friday we showed up at a rehearsal for the production of "Tommy" to see many of my theatre friends. Today we will be having dinner with some more good friend, and tomorrow I am looking forward to celebrating with our church family! We are so blessed to be surrounded and uplifted by people who share our joy with us and give God the glory for what He has brought us through.  Even people who aren't 'church-going' acknowledge God's work in our lives. I pray that we will continue to have opportunities to give Him the recognition He deserves.

As we look to the near future, I will be spending most of my time just adjusting and adapting to 'regular' life, and going to physio appointments. Ben is back to work as usual on Monday, having taken Thursday and Friday off to spend with me. Aaron is back at work as well, and still doing physio. Ben finally has a requisition from the doctor to do physio, too. We plan to go to Ben's family reunion in Taber, Alberta, for the long weekend in August, and then travel through Edmonton and see some of the doctors and nurses who took care of us in the beginning, and also check in with some more very good friends!

I'll still take time to write here in the blog now and then, so do keep checking back. Our journey is far from over, and the lessons that we have learned now need to be put into practice. My prayer is that we will never forget where we have been, and what God has taught us. Each day is a new challenge, and an opportunity to give God the glory and rightful place in our lives that He deserves. We thank God for each of you who have followed us and carried us in your prayers, and pray that you will also know His presence in your lives.

This is not goodbye! Please stay in touch!!


  1. Judy, and all of you ... Phew! Hurray! And to God be the glory!!! Welcome home. I hope to see you soon.
    Hugs and love,
    Sherry Breck :)

  2. Ben and Judy, we are sooooo happy you are home! What an amazing journey God has been taking you through and will continue this journey:) Will keep praying that God will continue his work in all of you and encourage you as well! Welcome back! It was great to see you the other day, by the way! Colleen

  3. It's awesome that you are home Judy!! Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing you and Uncle Ben in August.
    Brenda Braun

  4. Judy and everyone, We're so glad that you are all together again and praising God for the healing He has and will continue to provide you and the family. We've been following your journey regularly and our church has prayed for you as well. It's become obvious to me through reading this blog and through other people that it's pretty much impossible to develop that close relationship to God without suffering. Remember that old Andre Crouch song "Through it All"? You can sing it with great conviction now :o) Love, Marilynne
