Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday, Mar 17

Judy had a couple of very good days over the weekend. This was very encouraging. He pain was down and her energy was up, a very good combination. We are praying for more days like that. It was also very good for all 3 boys and myself to be able to visit Judy together.

Yesterday her medication was changed (1:00 pm) and the result was not good. The side effects of morphine were not bearable for Judy. As a result it was changed back at 10:00 pm. She has been on very strong pain control medication since the accident.  I would ask you to pray that her pain will decrease, and that she will be able to pass the swallowing test next week. This would open up other options for pain control.

I will be stopping in to see her this morning, and then carry on with errands that eventually need to get done. For the past two weeks almost all of my time has been spent with her at the hospital. The result is that I am often very tired when I get home I am not able to provide an update.

I am still on crutches and my biggest challenge is getting around. Aaron has to be very careful how much time he spends on his feet. Other than that we are doing quite well.

We appreciate your continued prayers and support,


  1. Hi Ben

    I continue to pray for your and your family, especially Judy at this time. Thank you for keeping your updates going. It's good to hear the progress although it must seem like an eternity for you and your family.

    Thanks be to God for all the blessings He has given you during this time and may He continue to be with you all as you each continue in your recovery.

    My thoughts and prayers will continue for you all.
    Psalm 119:49-56
    2 Corr. 1:3


  2. Hi Ben,

    I was so shocked to hear of the accident and the injuries to you and your family. I keep you in my thoughts and wish you all some peace and good days ahead.

    Lisa Tanasichuk

  3. Hi Ben & Jude,
    Our prayers continue to be with you. I think of you daily and check the blog site daily to get updates. I can't even imagine what you are going through, but I can't wait to see how God uses this in the future. Somewhere there is a purpose in all of this.
    We love you dearly.
    Dave & Ev

  4. hope and faith - I believe you and your family have a lot of these things. I'm sure all will improve.
    Take care
